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DOM XML Functions
PHP Manual


(No version information available, might be only in CVS)

DomXsltStylesheet->process Applies the XSLT-Transformation on a DomDocument Object


DomDocument process ( DomDocument $xml_doc [, array $xslt_params [, bool $is_xpath_param [, string $profile_filename ]]] )

Applies an XSLT Transformation on the given DomDocument object.



The XML document being transformed, as a DomDocument object.


An associative array that takes pairs of parameter names and values.


If set to FALSE the values of the xslt_params will be quoted. This is the default behavior. It allows you to pass the values as PHP strings.

Note: If your strings contains both single and double quotes, you must take care of quoting all the values by yourself and set this parameter to TRUE.


Set this to the path of a filename, if you want profiling information.

Return Values

Returns the result of the processing, as a DomDocument object.

Migrating to PHP 5

Use XSLTProcessor::setParameter() and XSLTProcessor::transform-to-doc().


Version Description
4.3.0 The profile_filename parameter was added.

See Also

DOM XML Functions
PHP Manual