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OCI8 Functions
PHP Manual


(PHP 5, PECL oci8 >= 1.1.0)

oci_fetch_assocReturns the next row from the result data as an associative array


array oci_fetch_assoc ( resource $statement )

Returns the next row from the result data as an associative array.

Calling oci_fetch_assoc() is identical to calling oci_fetch_array() with OCI_ASSOC.

A subsequent call to oci_fetch_assoc() will return the next row or FALSE if there are no more rows.

For details on the data type mapping performed by the oci8 driver, see the datatypes supported by the driver



A valid OCI statement identifier.

Return Values

Returns an associative array, or FALSE if there are no more rows in the statement .

Note: This function sets NULL fields to the PHP NULL value.

Note: Oracle returns all field names in uppercase and associative indices in the result array will be uppercased too.

See Also

OCI8 Functions
PHP Manual