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SNMP Functions
PHP Manual


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

snmpwalkoidQuery for a tree of information about a network entity


array snmpwalkoid ( string $hostname , string $community , string $object_id [, int $timeout [, int $retries ]] )

snmpwalkoid() function is used to read all object ids and their respective values from an SNMP agent specified by hostname .

The existence of snmpwalkoid() and snmpwalk() has historical reasons. Both functions are provided for backward compatibility. Use snmprealwalk() instead.



The SNMP agent.


The read community.


If NULL, object_id is taken as the root of the SNMP objects tree and all objects under that tree are returned as an array.

If object_id is specified, all the SNMP objects below that object_id are returned.



Return Values

Returns an associative array with object ids and their respective object value starting from the object_id as root or FALSE on error.


Example #1 snmpwalkoid() Example

for (
reset($a); $i key($a); next($a)) {
"$i$a[$i]<br />\n";

Above function call would return all the SNMP objects from the SNMP agent running on localhost. One can step through the values with a loop

See Also

SNMP Functions
PHP Manual