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Zip Functions
PHP Manual


(No version information available, might be only in CVS)

ZipArchive::extractToExtract the archive contents


bool ZipArchive::extractTo ( string $destination [, mixed $entries ] )

Extract the complete archive or the given files to the specified destination.



Location where to extract the files.


The entries to extract. It accepts either a single entry name or an array of names.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


This example opens a ZIP file archive, reads each file in the archive and prints out its contents. The archive used in this example is one of the test archives in the ZZIPlib source distribution.

Example #1 Extract all entries

= new ZipArchive;
if (
$zip->open('') === TRUE) {
} else {

Example #2 Extract only two entries

= new ZipArchive;
$res $zip->open('');
if (
$res === TRUE) {
$zip->extractTo('/my/destination/dir/', array('pear_item.gif''testfromfile.php'));
} else {

Zip Functions
PHP Manual